Stunningly beautiful graphics!
The world's best Mac programmers outside Cupertino have released another
product showcasing the strength of the Mac's graphic capabilities—a program that is
a genuine feast for the eyes, delightful to behold in every way.

More breathtaking than any globe you can hold in your hand...
Software MacKiev's 3D Weather Globe & Atlas is perhaps the most beautiful rendering of a globe I've seen to date on a computer. The program is chocked full of features, some of which I'll describe here but if you come away with just one thing from this description, it's that you'll probably just want to sit and stare at it. read more...
— Craig Crossman
Roving Reporter: Notes from Macworld Boston
One of the most eye-catching monitor displays on the floor was playing in the MacKiev booth. Their 3D Weather Globe & Atlas delivers gorgeous views of Earth from an orbital perspective, using NASA maps as the basis for the display. What makes it even more interesting is the use of real-time weather data to place clouds, tropical storms and more on the display. The result is an image that will mesmerize you … especially if it is on an Apple 30-inch Cinema HD Display. While the display draws you in, the educational aspects of being able to lay out travel routes via a string and push pin metaphor makes this program fun all … right up the age of about 80.
— Dennis Sellers
The Beautiful Earth from Your Computer!
One look at the amazing full screen view of the earth in 3D Weather Globe & Atlas, and you'll want to order this program. Stunning is the only word that can describe it, for with this program you are treated to an astronaut's view of our dynamic planet. Whether you are observing the earth as you work with the program or have set up the program to view the earth as your screen saver, you'll be sure to pause a moment as you consider its beauty. read more...
— Diane S. Kendall
Stunningly beautiful Atlas!
The MacKiev 3D Weather Globe and Atlas is almost delicious to look at, amazingly versatile and useful, and just plain fun to play with! If you have the least interest in geography, give this baby a whirl. My 2002 eMac arrived with a pretty good encyclopedia, but no atlas. This creation is a solution worth waiting for. Don't miss this one! read more...
— Mac Seniors
Great for budding meteorologists
"The software provides weather information on students' desktops, including real-time cloud cover, current weather conditions (including temperature, wind speed, and humidity), and seven-day forecasts for 10,000 cities from Boston to Bangkok, all overlaid on high-resolution NASA maps, offering an astronaut's-eye view of the earth." read more...
— eSchool News
My Favorite Macworld Product
"Software MacKiev's 3D Weather Globe & Atlas software, while not brand-new, blew me away nonetheless. The swooping views of the planet made me feel like I was flying around in the Space Shuttle, or at least a decent Hollywood imitation of it."
— Adam Goldstein
This thing is amazing...
"I immediately thought about how useful this tool would be in learning geography for a kid." read more...
— Jeff Powell
Big Blue Marble
Yes, there’s weather.com, the newspaper, Glucose’s WeatherPop, and so on. But nowhere is there a cooler way to look at the planet than with Software MacKiev’s amazing software, 3D Weather Globe & Atlas. Spin the world this way and that. Animate the clouds, the sun, and the moon. Zoom way in. Zoom way out. If you want a great way to spend a lot of time, look no further.
— Tom PenberthyYou now truly have a window on the world
This is an exciting teaching tool that could be used to chart the travels of Magellan (it really was a long way around!), explore the meaning of light pollution, study weather patterns, view the scenes of political events, and maybe give creative writers new views on the world and their environment.
Oregon City School District Instructor: Lori Fransen